There are many unconsiderate people in the world, but some people cannot even control themselves and are very nasty at work especially some people are very nasty towards their subordinates.

Recently I heard a real life story from my friends who heard this from his friend.
His friend is a very nice person and when recently his company changed a new boss, the new boss was a very horrible person, he likes to criticised people even the way how his employees dresses, eat and even talk. Whereby if his employee goes to a gathering and do not talk to his superiors the person is considered not sociable, whereby his employees are new and just joined the company for less than 1 week.

When i heard this I was horrified how can this thing happen, the person is really nasty and his whole companies employees all suffered and many of them have left and many are still planning to leave the company and what is worst still this was a multinational company but only because of a local boss handling the whole thing and the foreign bosses also do not really care about the employees welfare so now the local boss is getting from bad to worst.

This is a true story, if anyone wants to know more you can leave me a message.
So, my message to everyone out there, even if you are a big boss, a CEO, CFO, vice president, director, general manager or manager of any company please always be considerate towards your employees, especially when the employees are new and how can you expect the person to know what you want, the person cannot read your mind, so always be specific and tell your employees what exactly you need to be done.

Also some bosses think the world of themselve and have been to many different restaurants to eat but this does not mean your subordinates have been there as well and do not say sachastic things like oh I was so shocked when you even asked me where that restaurant was, it is sometimes very hurtful because not everyone have gone to all those places where their bosses have been.

So, aways be considerate, we humans only have a short time to live in this world so be nice, be considerate and do not bully people just because you think you are the big boss and you think you are on top of the world.
If anyone of you have any real life experience please share with me.
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